Advent Celebration

We sure miss you, our Salesian family! As the seasons of Advent and Christmas are upon us, there is no better time to share the joy during a virtual visit with our families, relatives, and benefactors. Please join us for an evening of prayer, Christmas carols, sharing, and joy with the Salesian Sisters via Zoom.  We would love for you to join us for this Advent Celebration, as we explore the theme of hope for the coming year and find joy in preparation for the celebration of our Lord.

Advent Celebration with the Salesian Sisters
Sunday, December 13th
7:00-8:00pm CST
( 5-6pm PST / 6-7pm MST/ 8-9pm EST)

If you would like to join, please register by filling out the form below, and a few days before the event we will email you the information needed to join the Zoom gathering.

Advent Registration


If you would like to make a donation to the Sisters this Advent season, you may do so by clicking here. Please know that every donation of any amount is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to help us spread the peace and love of Jesus Christ. You are in our prayers always.

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