Support Our Mission

The support of benefactors, whether through financial donations, gifts, or volunteer contributions, are essential to sustaining and expanding the Salesian Sisters' mission of education and evangelization, especially for young people, the poor, and women at risk. We thank you with the most profound gratitude for your kindness and your desire to cultivate goodness in society. You are in our daily prayers and we pray that you will be blessed 100 fold for your charity. 

Make a gift today and learn more about your giving options.

Support Our Mission
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Donate Online Today
Benefactor Laredo
Planned Giving & More
Planned Giving & More

All gifts to the Salesian Sisters are tax-deductible. 


To donate by check, please make it out to the Salesian Sisters and mail it to:

Salesian Sisters

Attn: Mission Advancement

6019 Buena Vista Street

San Antonio, TX 78237

Img 2138 1

Director of Mission Advancement

Sr. Bernadette Mota, FMA

Office: 210-431-4999