Create a lasting legacy!
Thanks to your generosity, the Salesian Sisters continue to positively impact society, especially for young people. Planned gifts offer you exceptional financial benefits while sustaining and growing their mission. You can consider gifts of property, stocks, life insurance policies, or retirement plans. Notifying us of your planned gift allows us to recognize your generosity and maximize the impact of your intentions.
Having a Will is essential for everyone, whether you're 18 or 108. By specifying who receives your property, and requesting a Catholic burial, you can rest assured that your legacy reflects your values. Consider leaving a portion of your estate to the Salesian Sisters, your spiritual daughters, to make a lasting impact and support the causes that matter most to you.
Here is the general information you will need to include:
Organization name: Salesian Sisters / Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
Federal Tax ID #: 74-2476099
Address: 6019 Buena Vista St, San Antonio, TX 78237
Need to create a will?
The Salesian Sisters have partnered with My Catholic Will to allow you to easily pass on your Catholic faith through writing your Will. You can create your legal Will in as little as 15 minutes for FREE and have the opportunity to provide a Legacy Gift to the Salesian Sisters.
Please visit to start your Will today.

In-kind Gifts
Curious About Our Wish List?
Sometimes, it's the little things that really add up! We are always happy to accept in-kind donations of food to share with the young, their families, and our Sisters communities. If you or a group of you and your friends and family would like to sponsor the purchase of one of these needed items below, please call or email us at (210) 431 - 4999 or
Salesian Sisters’ communities throughout our province
• Used or new cars or minivans
• Desktops, laptops, or Chromebooks for our convents and schools
• Educational supplies and sports equipment for youth
Provincial House Community
• Household cleaning supplies
• Industrial stove
• Sponsor a meal for 30 sisters
You can purchase gifts for the Salesian Sisters and have them shipped directly to the Provicial House through these two options:
Amazon: Salesian Sisters Gift List
More Options
Donate Real Estate
Making a gift of your vacation home, primary residence or other real estate property will help the Salesian Sisters to continue our mission for the good of the young. An outright gift is the easiest way to donate land and remove your ownership costs.
Matching Gifts
Thousands of companies match the charitable contributions their employees make. Take advantage of this great opportunity and help young people, the poor, and women at risk when you name the Salesian Sisters in your matching gift. Please contact our Mission Advancement Office for assistance in enrolling in your employer's matching gift program.
Donate Stocks
Gifts of stocks may offer considerable tax benefits on a donor. To Make a gift of stocks, please contact our Mission Advancement team with complete donor information, the name and type of stocks to be gifted, the number of shares, and the date you intend to make the gift. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.

Advancing the Mission
There remains much good to be done to ensure that the mission Our Blessed Mother entrusted to St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello will continue to flourish. Thank you for considering a planned gift to the Salesian Sisters Western Province.
If you are adding the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to your charitable giving plan, send us a quick email to let us know. We would love to include your name in our daily prayers for benefactors!
For additional info on planned giving, please email Sr. Bernadette at or at 210-431-4999.