Group Photo 2025

Who We Are

We, the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, dedicate ourselves completely to young people, the poor, and women at risk.  Together with our collaborators and benefactors, we are responding to the profound hopes of today's youth through education and evangelization. True to our mission of forming good Christians and honest citizens, we have made a positive impact in society and are blazing a path for the future. 

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Ancient Rome

Pilgrimage to Italy

You are invited for an incredible pilgrimage from May 22 - June 2, 2025! Join us for the Jubilee year in Rome and the grand Feast Day celebrations of Mary Help of Christians at the Basilica in Turin, surrounded by the Salesian Family! Explore the birthplaces of our founding saints, St. John Bosco and St. Mary Dominica Mazzarello, in Turin and Mornese. After a stop in Assisi, you’ll discover the wonders of ancient Rome and visit the Vatican. We can’t wait for you to connect with the roots of our Salesian Family! 

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Women's Lenten Retreat

Find hope and renewal at the "A Time for Hope" Women's Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 29th, at the Salesian Sisters Provincial House. Whether you're seeking spiritual growth, community, or a moment of peace, this special morning is your chance to rejuvenate and connect with like-minded women from all ages and backgrounds.

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Joyful Habits Facebook Cover

Joyful Habits

We are thrilled to announce that the Salesian Sisters are being featured on the TV series titled "Joyful Habits," produced by Catholic Television of San Antonio. You can see what a day in the life of the Sisters is like, learn more about our mission, and hear inspiring testimonies.  Click on the button below to view the premier and second episodes.  We thank CTSA for their partnership with us in this and we will keep you posted on future episodes.

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Is there a deep stirring within you to give yourself to God? Are you willing to allow God to use you as His instrument? Do you desire to bring the light of Christ by serving others? If so, you may be called to religious life.

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Support Our Mission

Thanks to the remarkable generosity of many benefactors, the Salesian Sisters continue to be a powerful force for good in society. Together we are making a difference by forming young people to be good Christians and honest citizens. Learn how can be a part of our mission that Our Blessed Mother entrusted to us.

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News & Events

St. John Bosco's Tips to Grow in Holiness

St. John Bosco believed that holiness is for everyone, especially young people. He spent his life tirelessly fostering holiness in the young...Read more

What is True Friendship? St. Francis De Sales Perfectly Defines it in 5 Beautiful Quotes

Sacred Scripture teaches that “faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure.” (Sirach 6:14)

Anyone who has...Read more

A Little Girl's 5 Ordinary (But Extraordinary) Ways to Grow in Holiness

A good and holy priest once told me that sanctity is serious business.

Reflecting on that, I would agree that sanctity (holiness) is...Read more

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Mission at a Glance

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11,500 Salesian Sisters in the world, serving in 96 Countries

83 Sisters & 13 young ladies in formation to become Sisters in our Western Province

Serving youth in 9 Dioceses, 12 Parishes, and 9 Catholic schools

Mission Statement

We, the Salesian Sisters, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, are a religious community of women founded by St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello. Our mission is: to provide Christian education and formation to the young, especially the poor, and women at risk; joyfully proclaim the Good News to all cultures; and promote the regeneration of a more just and humane society.