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Thanksgiving Bakery
Covid-19 has changed a lot of things in life. But one thing it hasn't changed is our ability to express gratitude for each other and the blessings God...Read more
Vocations & Formation Highlights
The Sisters kicked off the first ever virtual Fiat Project on October 24th! The Fiat Project is a discernment program for young women in their 20's...Read more
In Due Time
A reflection on Mary as a model of accompaniment
by Sr. Mary Greenan, FMA
"She then placed her hands on my head and said", explains Don Bosco, “in due time everything will...Read more
All Souls Day Offering
On All Souls Day, we not only remember the dead, but we apply our efforts, through prayer, almsgiving, and the Mass, for their release from Purgatory. The Salesian...Read more
Adoration & Fellowship for Young Adults
Friday, November 6 @ 7:30pm
Even though we still cannot receive visitors to the Provincial House in San Antonio, the Sisters still want to be able to pray with and for the young....Read more