
2024 Strenna

Strenna del Rettor Maggiore 2024 EN

Watch Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB, as he presents the Strenna for 2024. “The Dream that Makes You Dream”: a heart that transforms wolves into lambs. This represents a beautiful summary that presents the essence of St. John Bosco's dream at nine years of age in its simplicity and prophecy. 

At the beginning of each year, the Rector Major (the head of the Salesian Family) presents the Strenna to guide us in living like Christ in today's world. “Strenna” is an Italian word that means gift, a small and cherished gift that was used by Don Bosco to help lead and educate. We continue this tradition and so receive this year’s Strenna.

Virtual Tour of Basilica Mary Help of Christians in Turin, Italy

Virtual tour of Basilica Mary Help of Christians with Fr Mike

A beautiful virtual tour of the Basilica Mary Help of Christians with Fr Mike Pace. The magnificent basilica of Our Lady in Turin, Italy, was built by St. John Bosco between 1863 and 1868.  With 8 cents in his pocket, Don Bosco began the project and later stated that "the whole church was put up by means of graces granted by Mary”.  Among the artwork of the Church, the most splendid is the painting above the main altar of Mary Help of Christians.

“Maìn – the House of Happiness

St Mary Mazzarello - House of Happiness

“Maìn – the House of Happiness is a wonderful film based on the life of St. Mary Mazzarello and the founding of the Salesian Sisters. Mary grew up working long hours in the fields in a small village in northern Italy. She attended Mass frequently and joined a Catholic group of young adult women whose members in 1860 were asked to nurse typhoid victims. Mary caught the disease and nearly died. Because of her weakened health, she started a dressmaking business to employ local girls and more importantly, to teach them catechism. This was the beginning of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco), which now has 11,500 Sisters in 97 nations in the 5 continents!

In the Footsteps of Don Bosco in Rome

In the Footsteps of Don Bosco in Rome | EWTN Vaticano

Free Downloads

New Bosco

The Preventive System in the Education of the Young by St. John Bosco

After much encouragement, St. John Bosco wrote out his educational principles in a systematic form called the Preventive System. This text is rich in content and guidance on how to save souls through reason, religion, and loving-kindness.

Preventive System (Doc.)

732469 Saint Francis De Sales Quote All Of Us Can Attain To Christian

Universal Call to Holiness

The call to holiness is not limited to any one state in life, but is indeed universal, embracing all baptized Christians. Free PowerPoint Presentation on the Universal Call to holiness.

Universal Call to Holiness (PPT)

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Young Adult Ministry 101

Are you forming or reorganizing your young adult ministry in your parish or diocese? Here is a helpful PowerPoint presentation to assist you with ministering with young adults ages 18-39.

Young Adult Ministry (PPT)

Additional Websites

Vatican Website

Visit Vatican News for all the latest updates on the Holy See and the Church in the World. Official church documents from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis are available here for free.

Vatican Website

USCCB Website

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers Daily Readings, the Bible, Lectio Divina, and much more.

USCCB Website